
Showing posts from March, 2011

Satellite Navigation Sat Nav guide

Guide to Satellite Navigation In-Car Sat Nav Portable Sat Nav devices can be a good choice if you find yourself having to hire cars at home or abroad, or if you have to drive a variety of vehicles in your job, as they allow you to carry the device from car to car. However, they fall short in matching the accuracy, ease of use, display clarity (especially on road junctions) and cosmetic integration of the dedicated In-Car Navigation devices. If you've read our short introduction to Satellite Navigation you will know that these devices make use of the Global Positioning System to calculate the position of your vehicle with a good degree of accuracy. As long as the car navigation receiver can read the position of at least three satellites, then by a process of mathematical triangulation it can work out where you are. GPS is at the core of nearly all these devices, but added features improve both the accuracy and useability of navigational aids in the car, and it's these featur...

Satellite Navigation sat nav

Car owners guide to: Satellite Navigation (Sat-Nav) Thanks to cheaper production and falling prices of portable devices, 'Sat Nav' became the latest high-tech "must have" for UK consumers as far back as 2005. The demand gave rise to a big choice of models available from mostly non-specialist retailers. As the initial surge eased, so prices became even more appealing, while at the same time the technology and mapping software improved further, with more "driver's view" 3D mapping and extra detail on intersections and roundabouts. The more sophisticated fixed or "embedded" in-car navigation systems have also come down in price but have nonetheless remained very much in the "serious user" bracket. These fixed Sat Nav systems offer a number of benefits over the portable devices, whilst losing out on the one big advantage of the latter - their portability and therefore ability to be moved from car to car, from yours to your partner'...